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How hard is your Loan Officer Working for You?
How hard is your Loan Officer working for You?
In what appears to be a simple question, once you gain a little more knowledge it’s actually a very complex one. The reason is simple: Either your loan officer is simply trying to “get you approved for financing” or he/she is constantly striving to improve your status as a borrower to get you the best rate possible. The second scenario is where you want to be when selecting your Loan Officer.
Here at CFG we have a dedicated Credit Repair team that constantly looks for ways to raise our client’s credit scores the right way. By doing this it creates the possibility of improving our client’s rate, closing costs and in some cases the monthly MI payment.
A good example is Brian Morrison’s latest client. By making some slight adjustments on her credit he was able to raise her credit scores by 6 points. This might not seem like much. But ultimately what it did was lower her monthly mortgage insurance payment by $45 per month. Of course, Brian got his client approved right from the start. This is his job. But in addition to this he was able to show her how to save money by raising her scores. It does take a little more work on our part, but in the end it’s the right thing to do.
Our goal here at CFG is to get our client’s the lowest rate and closing costs available. We will do this by every means possible. It is our mission to dedicate our 20+ years of experience to serve each one of our clients.
So, how hard is your Loan Officer working for you?